Career Day: A Huge Success for Baruch College Campus High School

April 19, 2023
On Wednesday, March 15, 2023, roughly 30 parents and alumni visited Baruch College Campus High School for Career Day. This event, organized by the school’s NOW club and college office, aimed to help students learn about different career paths as they get ready for college.
Baruch’s compact square gym was flooded with students moving from table to table throughout the day, conversing with representatives from JP Morgan, Spotify, Mucinex, the NYPD, FBI, and more. Some volunteers brought in goodies to entice students to their tables. When students approached the Spotify station, for example, they were offered a doughnut while chatting with Client Partner in Podcasts Jason Schaffer.
Not only did parents and alumni devote their time to this event – informing students about their respective industries, careers, and personal experiences with their jobs – but Baruch students and faculty did as well. Nicole Epstein, an organizer of Career Day and College Counselor at Baruch, says that she and other organizers spent about three hours getting ready. This involved setting up tables, hanging posters, putting out refreshments, assigning volunteers to different areas and creating gift bags.
Many students believe that Career Day was a big success. Senior Nicole Kasow is grateful for getting the opportunity to learn more about the finance industry, her intended major, before she heads off to Northeastern University in the fall. Like Kasow, many upperclassmen came out of Career Day with a better understanding of different fields of work and what they entail, and a greater sense of what they hope to pursue in the future.