As the school year begins, The Baruch Blue Devils fall sports teams are excited at the opportunity to play as many games as possible. In order to achieve that success, the captains of these soccer and volleyball squads are faced with many questions. How can they lead this team in the right direction before facing off? What can the people of this team do for each other?
The teams’ leaders understand the hours leading up to the games are crucial and therefore focus on instilling motivation and cohesion in their groups. The captains of the Girls’ and Boys’ Varsity Soccer teams and Girls’ Varsity Volleyball team establish pre-game routines so their fellow athletes will play their best.

Soccer captains Aidan Wood and Maciej Kawecki believe they have the proper guidance qualities to make their group of boys play like no other. They said they try to lead by example on and off the field, showcasing the commitment and sportsmanship needed by every member.
“I like to believe I’ve been a captain since freshman year,” said Wood. “I’ve always been a leader in anything I do.”
Their roles guide them to bring their team together on a more personal level before each game alongside coach Mike Breman.
“You just have to be there, it’s just one of those things inside the huddle,” said Kawecki.
These pre-game routines look a little different for the other teams.
“We like to listen to music on a speaker from school to when we get to the game,” said Girls’ Soccer Captain Marilyn O’day. One of the artists on their Spotify collaborative playlist is Rihanna.
She said by doing this, she intends to boost the girls’ spirits before the real preparation begins. Without the group all riled up, maximum effort is not achievable. O’day tries to act as a role model through her energetic attitude in the pre-game warm ups.

“If you have a lazy practice, you’re going to have a lazy game,” she said.
O’day and the team’s other captains, Florence Regan, Ashley Salto and Marianne Duran, also lead a series of stretches and drills to get the athletes in the proper mindset. Their way of preparation proved to be successful as they have been victorious in four of their nine games.
Similarly, girls’ volleyball captains senior Lila Ferber and sophomore Isla Findlay said their roles are not just to be leaders but also pillars of support for their teammates.
“Confidence is key, especially on the court with other players,” said Findlay.
The captains continue to emphasize the fundamentals of the sport and the components that make their team function smoothly. With Ferber’s “comfortability in my abilities to lead and tell others what to do,” and the support system the girls have with each other, the Blue Devils volleyball team have won four of their six games so far.
While the soccer teams’ and the girls’ volleyball captains take part in different pre-game routines, they have both led their teams to win multiple matches this year.